EPANET Development Project
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 main.cppThe main function used to run EPANET from the command line
 constants.hConstants used throughout EPANET
 datamanager.hFunctions for acessing a project's network data base
 diagnostics.hA class that performs diagnostics on EPANET input and output
 error.hDefinitions of the EPANET error classes
 hydbalance.hDescribes the HydBalance class
 hydengine.hDescribes the HydEngine class
 network.hDescribes the Network class
 options.hDescribes the Options class
 project.hDescribes EPANET's Project class
 qualbalance.hDescribes the QualBlanace class
 qualengine.hDescribes the QualEngine class
 units.hDescribes the Units class
 control.hDescribes the Control class
 curve.hDescribes the Curve class
 demand.hDescribes the Demand class
 element.hDescribes the Element class
 emitter.hDescribes the Emitter class
 junction.hDescribes the Junction class
 link.hDescribes the Link class
 node.hDescribes the Node class
 pattern.hDescribes the Pattern class and its subclasses
 pipe.hDescribes the Pipe class
 pump.hDescribes the Pump class
 pumpcurve.hDescribes the PumpCurve class
 qualsource.hDescribes the QualSource class
 reservoir.hDescribes the Reservoir class
 tank.hDescribes the Tank class
 valve.hDescribes the Valve class
 controlparser.hDescribes the ControlParser class
 curveparser.hDescribes the CurveParser class
 inputparser.hDescribes the InputParser class
 inputreader.hDescribes the InputReader class
 linkparser.hDescribes the NodeParser class
 nodeparser.hDescription of the NodeParser class
 optionparser.hDescription of the OptionParser class
 patternparser.hDescription of the PatternParser class
 demandmodel.hDescribes the DemandModel class and its sub-classes
 headlossmodel.hDescribes the HeadLossModel class and its sub-classes
 leakagemodel.hDescribes the LeakageModel class and its sub-classes
 pumpenergy.hDescribes the PumpEnergy class
 qualmodel.hDescribes the QualModel class
 tankmixmodel.hDescribes the TankMixModel class
 projectwriter.hDescribes the ProjectWriter class
 reportwriter.hDescription of the ReportWriter class
 ggasolver.hDescribes the GGASolver class
 hydsolver.hDescribes the HydSolver class
 ltdsolver.hDescribes the LTDSolver class
 matrixsolver.hDescription of the MatrixSolver class
 qualsolver.hDescribes the QualSolver class
 sparspaksolver.hDescription of the SparspakSolver class
 graph.hDescribes the Graph class
 hashtable.hDescribes the HashTable class
 mempool.hDescribes the MemPool class
 segpool.hDescribes the SegPool class used for water quality transport
 utilities.hDescribes the Utilities class