EPANET Development Project
▼ src | |
▼ CLI | |
main.cpp | The main function used to run EPANET from the command line |
▼ Core | |
constants.h | Constants used throughout EPANET |
datamanager.h | Functions for acessing a project's network data base |
diagnostics.h | A class that performs diagnostics on EPANET input and output |
error.h | Definitions of the EPANET error classes |
hydbalance.h | Describes the HydBalance class |
hydengine.h | Describes the HydEngine class |
network.h | Describes the Network class |
options.h | Describes the Options class |
project.h | Describes EPANET's Project class |
qualbalance.h | Describes the QualBlanace class |
qualengine.h | Describes the QualEngine class |
units.h | Describes the Units class |
▼ Elements | |
control.h | Describes the Control class |
curve.h | Describes the Curve class |
demand.h | Describes the Demand class |
element.h | Describes the Element class |
emitter.h | Describes the Emitter class |
junction.h | Describes the Junction class |
link.h | Describes the Link class |
node.h | Describes the Node class |
pattern.h | Describes the Pattern class and its subclasses |
pipe.h | Describes the Pipe class |
pump.h | Describes the Pump class |
pumpcurve.h | Describes the PumpCurve class |
qualsource.h | Describes the QualSource class |
reservoir.h | Describes the Reservoir class |
tank.h | Describes the Tank class |
valve.h | Describes the Valve class |
▼ Input | |
controlparser.h | Describes the ControlParser class |
curveparser.h | Describes the CurveParser class |
inputparser.h | Describes the InputParser class |
inputreader.h | Describes the InputReader class |
linkparser.h | Describes the NodeParser class |
nodeparser.h | Description of the NodeParser class |
optionparser.h | Description of the OptionParser class |
patternparser.h | Description of the PatternParser class |
▼ Models | |
demandmodel.h | Describes the DemandModel class and its sub-classes |
headlossmodel.h | Describes the HeadLossModel class and its sub-classes |
leakagemodel.h | Describes the LeakageModel class and its sub-classes |
pumpenergy.h | Describes the PumpEnergy class |
qualmodel.h | Describes the QualModel class |
tankmixmodel.h | Describes the TankMixModel class |
▼ Output | |
outputfile.h | |
projectwriter.h | Describes the ProjectWriter class |
reportfields.h | |
reportwriter.h | Description of the ReportWriter class |
▼ Solvers | |
ggasolver.h | Describes the GGASolver class |
hydsolver.h | Describes the HydSolver class |
ltdsolver.h | Describes the LTDSolver class |
matrixsolver.h | Description of the MatrixSolver class |
qualsolver.h | Describes the QualSolver class |
sparspak.h | |
sparspaksolver.h | Description of the SparspakSolver class |
▼ Utilities | |
graph.h | Describes the Graph class |
hashtable.h | Describes the HashTable class |
mempool.h | Describes the MemPool class |
segpool.h | Describes the SegPool class used for water quality transport |
utilities.h | Describes the Utilities class |
epanet3.h |