EPANET Development Project
▼NEpanet | |
CProject | Encapsulates a pipe network and its simulation engines |
CAgeModel | Water age model |
CChemModel | Reactive chemical model |
CCM_HeadLossModel | The Chezy-Manning head loss model |
CConstrainedDemandModel | A demand model where demands are reduced based on available pressure |
CControl | A class that controls pumps and valves based on a single condition |
CControlParser | Parses a control statement from a line of text |
CCurve | An ordered collection of x,y data pairs |
CCurveParser | Used to parse a line of input data for curve data (pairs of x,y values) |
CDataManager | |
CDemand | Specifies the rate of consumer water demand at a Junction node |
CDemandModel | The interface for a pressure-dependent demand model |
CDiagnostics | |
CDW_HeadLossModel | The Darcy-Weisbach head loss model |
CElement | Abstract parent class for all pipe network components |
CEmitter | Models an unlimited pressure-dependent rate of water outflow at a Junction node |
CENerror | |
CFavadLeakageModel | Pipe leakage is computed using an orifice equation where the leak area is a function of pipe pressure |
CField | |
CFileError | |
CFixedDemandModel | A demand model where demands are fixed independent of pressure |
CFixedPattern | A Pattern where factors change at fixed time intervals |
CGGASolver | A hydraulic solver based on Todini's Global Gradient Algorithm |
CGraph | Contains graph theoretic representation of a pipe network |
CHashTable | A hash table for element ID names and their objects |
CHashTableItem | |
CHeadLossModel | The interface for a pipe head loss model |
CHW_HeadLossModel | The Hazen-Williams head loss model |
CHydBalance | Computes the degree to which a network solution is unbalanced |
CHydEngine | Simulates extended period hydraulics |
CHydSolver | Interface for an equilibrium network hydraulic solver |
CInputError | |
CInputParser | Parses lines of network input data from a text file |
CInputReader | Reads lines of project input data from a text file |
CJunction | A variable head Node with no storage volume |
CLeakageModel | The interface for a pipe leakage model |
CLink | A conveyance element that connects two nodes together |
CLinkParser | Used to parse lines of input data for network links read from a text file |
CLogisticDemandModel | A demand model where demand is a logistic function of pressure |
CLTDSolver | A water quality solver based on the Lagrangian Time Driven method |
CMatrixSolver | Abstract class for solving a set of linear equations |
CMemBlock | |
CMemPool | A simple pooled memory allocator |
CNetwork | Contains the data elements that describe a pipe network |
CNetworkError | |
CNode | A connection point between links in a network |
CNodeParser | Used to parse lines of input data for network nodes read from a text file |
CObjectParser | Parses a new network element from a line of input |
COptionParser | Parses lines of project option data from a text file |
COptions | User-supplied options for analyzing a pipe network |
COutputFile | Manages the writing and reading of analysis results to a binary file |
CPattern | A set of multiplier factors associated with points in time |
CPatternParser | |
CPipe | A circular conduit Link through which water flows |
CPowerDemandModel | A demand model where demand varies as a power function of pressure |
CPowerLeakageModel | Pipe leakage rate varies as a power function of pipe pressure |
CProjectWriter | Writes a project's data to file |
CPropertyParser | Parses a network element's properties from a line of input |
CPump | A Link that raises the head of water flowing through it |
CPumpCurve | Describes how head varies with flow for a Pump link |
CPumpEnergy | Accumulates energy usage metrics for a pump |
CQualBalance | Computes a water quality mass balance across the pipe network |
CQualEngine | Simulates extended period water quality in a network |
CQualModel | The interface for a water quality analysis model |
CQualSolver | Abstract class from which a specific water quality solver is derived |
CQualSource | Externally applied water quality at a source node |
CReportFields | |
CReportWriter | |
CReservoir | A fixed head Node with no storage volume |
CSegment | < Volume segment |
CSegPool | |
CSparspakSolver | Solves Ax = b using the SPARSPAK routines |
CSystemError | |
CTank | A fixed head Node with storage volume |
CTankMixModel | The model used to compute mixing behavior within a storage tank |
CTraceModel | Source tracing model |
CUnits | Defines units conversion factors for network quantities |
CUtilities | Utility functions used throughout EPANET |
CValve | A Link that controls flow or pressure |
CVariablePattern | A Pattern where factors change at varying time intervals |