EPANET Development Project
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CProjectEncapsulates a pipe network and its simulation engines
 CAgeModelWater age model
 CChemModelReactive chemical model
 CCM_HeadLossModelThe Chezy-Manning head loss model
 CConstrainedDemandModelA demand model where demands are reduced based on available pressure
 CControlA class that controls pumps and valves based on a single condition
 CControlParserParses a control statement from a line of text
 CCurveAn ordered collection of x,y data pairs
 CCurveParserUsed to parse a line of input data for curve data (pairs of x,y values)
 CDemandSpecifies the rate of consumer water demand at a Junction node
 CDemandModelThe interface for a pressure-dependent demand model
 CDW_HeadLossModelThe Darcy-Weisbach head loss model
 CElementAbstract parent class for all pipe network components
 CEmitterModels an unlimited pressure-dependent rate of water outflow at a Junction node
 CFavadLeakageModelPipe leakage is computed using an orifice equation where the leak area is a function of pipe pressure
 CFixedDemandModelA demand model where demands are fixed independent of pressure
 CFixedPatternA Pattern where factors change at fixed time intervals
 CGGASolverA hydraulic solver based on Todini's Global Gradient Algorithm
 CGraphContains graph theoretic representation of a pipe network
 CHashTableA hash table for element ID names and their objects
 CHeadLossModelThe interface for a pipe head loss model
 CHW_HeadLossModelThe Hazen-Williams head loss model
 CHydBalanceComputes the degree to which a network solution is unbalanced
 CHydEngineSimulates extended period hydraulics
 CHydSolverInterface for an equilibrium network hydraulic solver
 CInputParserParses lines of network input data from a text file
 CInputReaderReads lines of project input data from a text file
 CJunctionA variable head Node with no storage volume
 CLeakageModelThe interface for a pipe leakage model
 CLinkA conveyance element that connects two nodes together
 CLinkParserUsed to parse lines of input data for network links read from a text file
 CLogisticDemandModelA demand model where demand is a logistic function of pressure
 CLTDSolverA water quality solver based on the Lagrangian Time Driven method
 CMatrixSolverAbstract class for solving a set of linear equations
 CMemPoolA simple pooled memory allocator
 CNetworkContains the data elements that describe a pipe network
 CNodeA connection point between links in a network
 CNodeParserUsed to parse lines of input data for network nodes read from a text file
 CObjectParserParses a new network element from a line of input
 COptionParserParses lines of project option data from a text file
 COptionsUser-supplied options for analyzing a pipe network
 COutputFileManages the writing and reading of analysis results to a binary file
 CPatternA set of multiplier factors associated with points in time
 CPipeA circular conduit Link through which water flows
 CPowerDemandModelA demand model where demand varies as a power function of pressure
 CPowerLeakageModelPipe leakage rate varies as a power function of pipe pressure
 CProjectWriterWrites a project's data to file
 CPropertyParserParses a network element's properties from a line of input
 CPumpA Link that raises the head of water flowing through it
 CPumpCurveDescribes how head varies with flow for a Pump link
 CPumpEnergyAccumulates energy usage metrics for a pump
 CQualBalanceComputes a water quality mass balance across the pipe network
 CQualEngineSimulates extended period water quality in a network
 CQualModelThe interface for a water quality analysis model
 CQualSolverAbstract class from which a specific water quality solver is derived
 CQualSourceExternally applied water quality at a source node
 CReservoirA fixed head Node with no storage volume
 CSegment< Volume segment
 CSparspakSolverSolves Ax = b using the SPARSPAK routines
 CTankA fixed head Node with storage volume
 CTankMixModelThe model used to compute mixing behavior within a storage tank
 CTraceModelSource tracing model
 CUnitsDefines units conversion factors for network quantities
 CUtilitiesUtility functions used throughout EPANET
 CValveA Link that controls flow or pressure
 CVariablePatternA Pattern where factors change at varying time intervals