EPANET Development Project
Core Directory Reference


file  constants.h [code]
 Constants used throughout EPANET.
file  datamanager.h [code]
 Functions for acessing a project's network data base.
file  diagnostics.h [code]
 A class that performs diagnostics on EPANET input and output.
file  error.h [code]
 Definitions of the EPANET error classes.
file  hydbalance.h [code]
 Describes the HydBalance class.
file  hydengine.h [code]
 Describes the HydEngine class.
file  network.h [code]
 Describes the Network class.
file  options.h [code]
 Describes the Options class.
file  project.h [code]
 Describes EPANET's Project class.
file  qualbalance.h [code]
 Describes the QualBlanace class.
file  qualengine.h [code]
 Describes the QualEngine class.
file  units.h [code]
 Describes the Units class.