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SparspakSolver Class Reference

Solves Ax = b using the SPARSPAK routines. More...

#include <sparspaksolver.h>

Inheritance diagram for SparspakSolver:

Public Member Functions

 SparspakSolver (std::ostream &logger)
int init (int nrows, int nnz, int *xrow, int *xcol)
void reset ()
double getDiag (int i)
double getOffDiag (int i)
double getRhs (int i)
void setDiag (int i, double a)
void setRhs (int i, double b)
void addToDiag (int i, double a)
void addToOffDiag (int j, double a)
void addToRhs (int i, double b)
int solve (int n, double x[])
- Public Member Functions inherited from MatrixSolver
virtual int init (int nRows, int nOffDiags, int offDiagRow[], int offDiagCol[])=0
virtual void debug (std::ostream &out)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MatrixSolver
static MatrixSolverfactory (const std::string solver, std::ostream &logger)

Detailed Description

Solves Ax = b using the SPARSPAK routines.

This class is derived from the MatrixSolver class and provides an interface to the SPARSPAK routines, originally developed by George and Liu, for re-ordering, factorizing, and solving via Cholesky decomposition a sparse, symmetric, positive definite set of linear equations Ax = b.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: