EPANET Development Project
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Network Class Reference

Contains the data elements that describe a pipe network. More...

#include <network.h>

Public Member Functions

void clear ()
bool addElement (Element::ElementType eType, int subType, std::string name)
int count (Element::ElementType eType)
int indexOf (Element::ElementType eType, const std::string &name)
int option (Options::IndexOption type)
double option (Options::ValueOption type)
long option (Options::TimeOption type)
std::string option (Options::StringOption type)
Nodenode (const std::string &name)
Linklink (const std::string &name)
Patternpattern (const std::string &name)
Curvecurve (const std::string &name)
Controlcontrol (const std::string &name)
Nodenode (const int index)
Linklink (const int index)
Patternpattern (const int index)
Curvecurve (const int index)
Controlcontrol (const int index)
bool createHeadLossModel ()
bool createDemandModel ()
bool createLeakageModel ()
bool createQualModel ()
double ucf (Units::Quantity quantity)
std::string getUnits (Units::Quantity quantity)
void convertUnits ()
void addTitleLine (std::string line)
void writeTitle (std::ostream &out)

Public Attributes

Graph graph
std::vector< std::string > title
 descriptive title for the network
std::vector< Node * > nodes
 collection of node objects
std::vector< Link * > links
 collection of link objects
std::vector< Curve * > curves
 collection of data curve objects
std::vector< Pattern * > patterns
 collection of time pattern objects
std::vector< Control * > controls
 collection of control rules
Units units
 unit conversion factors
Options options
 analysis options
QualBalance qualBalance
 water quality mass balance
std::ostringstream msgLog
 status message log.
 pipe head loss model
 nodal demand model
 pipe leakage model
 water quality model

Detailed Description

Contains the data elements that describe a pipe network.

A Network object contains collections of the individual elements belonging to the pipe network being analyzed by a Project.

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