35 double lamda,
double dH[],
double dQ[],
double xQ[],
Network* nw);
36 double findHeadErrorNorm(
37 double lamda,
double dH[],
double dQ[],
double xQ[],
Network* nw);
38 double findFlowErrorNorm(
double xQ[],
Network* nw);
double totalFlowChange
(summed flow changes) / (summed flows)
Definition: hydbalance.h:28
int maxFlowChangeLink
link with max. flow change
Definition: hydbalance.h:32
double maxFlowErr
max. flow error (cfs)
Definition: hydbalance.h:25
int maxFlowErrNode
node with max. flow error
Definition: hydbalance.h:31
double maxFlowChange
max. flow change (cfs)
Definition: hydbalance.h:27
int maxHeadErrLink
link with max. head loss error
Definition: hydbalance.h:30
Computes the degree to which a network solution is unbalanced.
Definition: hydbalance.h:23
double maxHeadErr
max. head loss error (ft)
Definition: hydbalance.h:26
Contains the data elements that describe a pipe network.
Definition: network.h:41