EPANET Development Project
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Tank Class Reference

A fixed head Node with storage volume. More...

#include <tank.h>

Inheritance diagram for Tank:
Node Element

Public Member Functions

 Tank (std::string name)
int type ()
void validate ()
void convertUnits (Network *nw)
void initialize (Network *nw)
bool isReactive ()
bool isFull ()
bool isEmpty ()
bool isClosed (double flow)
double getVolume ()
double findVolume (double aHead)
double findHead (double aVolume)
void setFixedGrade ()
void updateVolume (int tstep)
void updateArea ()
int timeToVolume (double aVolume)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Node
 Node (std::string name_)
virtual void findFullDemand (double multiplier, double patternFactor)
virtual double findActualDemand (Network *nw, double h, double &dqdh)
virtual double findEmitterFlow (double h, double &dqdh)
virtual bool isPressureDeficient (Network *nw)
virtual bool hasEmitter ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Element
 Element (std::string name_)

Public Attributes

double initHead
 initial water elevation (ft)
double minHead
 minimum water elevation (ft)
double maxHead
 maximum water elevation (ft)
double diameter
 nominal diameter (ft)
double minVolume
 minimum volume (ft3)
double bulkCoeff
 water quality reaction coeff. (per day)
 volume v. water depth curve
TankMixModel mixingModel
 mixing model used
double maxVolume
 maximum volume (ft3)
double volume
 current volume in tank (ft3)
double area
 current surface area of tank (ft2)
double ucfLength
 units conversion factor for length
double pastHead
 water elev. in previous time period (ft)
double pastVolume
 volume in previous time period (ft3)
double pastOutflow
 outflow in previous time period (cfs)
- Public Attributes inherited from Node
bool rptFlag
 true if results are reported
double elev
 elevation (ft)
double xCoord
double yCoord
double initQual
 initial water quality concen.
 water quality source information
bool fixedGrade
 fixed grade status
double head
 hydraulic head (ft)
double qGrad
 gradient of outflow w.r.t. head (cfs/ft)
double fullDemand
 full demand required (cfs)
double actualDemand
 actual demand delivered (cfs)
double outflow
 demand + emitter + leakage flow (cfs)
double quality
 water quality concen. (mass/ft3)
- Public Attributes inherited from Element
std::string name
 element's ID name
int index
 index in array of elements

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Node
- Public Types inherited from Element
enum  ElementType {
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Node
static Nodefactory (int type_, std::string name_, MemPool *memPool)

Detailed Description

A fixed head Node with storage volume.

The fixed head for the tank varies from one time period to the next depending on the filling or withdrawal rate.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: