real-time extension for the EPANET toolkit
RTX Model Validation Application
// validator.cpp
// rtx-validator
// Created by the EPANET-RTX Development Team
// See README.md and license.txt for more information
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include "ConfigProject.h"
#include "EpanetModel.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace RTX;
//void runSimulationUsingConfig(const string& path, time_t someTime, long duration);
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
string forwardSimulationConfig(""), realtimeConfig("");
if (argc > 1) {
forwardSimulationConfig = string( argv[1] );
if (argc > 2) {
realtimeConfig = string( argv[2] );
time_t someTime = 1222873200; // unix-time 2008-10-01 15:00:00 GMT
long duration = 60 * 60 * 24; // 1 day
forwardSimulationConfig = "/Users/sam/Copy/Code/epanet-rtx/examples/validator/sampletown_synthetic.cfg";
EpanetModel::sharedPointer model( new EpanetModel );
vector<Pipe::sharedPointer> pipes = model->pipes();
BOOST_FOREACH(Pipe::sharedPointer p, pipes) {
if (RTX_STRINGS_ARE_EQUAL(p->name(), "4")) {
TimeSeries::sharedPointer flow( new TimeSeries );
// test the forward synthetic simulation
//runSimulationUsingConfig(forwardSimulationConfig, someTime-3600, duration+7200);
realtimeConfig = "/Users/sam/Copy/Code/epanet-rtx/examples/validator/sampletown_realtime.cfg";
// test the real-time methods
// runSimulationUsingConfig(realtimeConfig, someTime, duration);
return 0;
//void runSimulationUsingConfig(const string& filePath, time_t someTime, long duration) {
// ConfigProject config;
// Model::sharedPointer model;
// try {
// config.loadConfigFile(filePath);
// model = config.model();
// cout << "RTX: Running simulation for..." << endl;
// cout << *model;
// PointRecord::sharedPointer record = config.defaultRecord();
// model->runExtendedPeriod(someTime, someTime + duration);
// cout << "... done" << endl;
// } catch (string err) {
// cerr << err << endl;
// }