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real-time extension for the EPANET toolkit
▼NRTX | Singleton python interpreter object |
▼CAggregatorTimeSeries | Aggregates (and optionally scales) arbitrary many input time series |
CAggregatorSource | |
CBaseStatsTimeSeries | An abstract timeseries class for computing statistical data from point values |
CBufferPointRecord | |
CClock | A simple clock class for keeping time synchronized |
CConstantTimeSeries | |
CCorrelatorTimeSeries | |
CCsvPointRecord | |
CCurveFunction | A Curve Function Class to perform arbitrary mapping of values |
▼CDbPointRecord | A persistence layer for databases |
Crequest_t | |
CRtxDbConnectException | |
CRtxDbRetrievalException | |
CDequePointRecord | |
CDma | Dma represents a collection of junctions that can be considered together in a control volume |
CElement | Element Base Class |
CEpanetModel | An Epanet-based model object |
CEpanetMsxModel | |
CEpanetSyntheticModel | Forward-simluation model object, based on epanet engine |
CFailoverTimeSeries | |
CFirstDerivative | |
▼CForecastTimeSeries | An arima - based time series predictor/forecaster |
CArimaOrder | |
CGainTimeSeries | |
CIncompatibleComponent | |
CInfluxDbPointRecord | |
CInversionTimeSeries | |
CIrregularClock | |
CJunction | Junction Class |
CLink | Link Class |
CMapPointRecord | |
CModel | A hydraulic / water quality model abstraction |
CModelPerformance | |
CModularTimeSeries | A Time Series class that allows a single upstream TimeSeries |
CMovingAverage | |
CMultiplierTimeSeries | |
▼CMysqlPointRecord | A persistence layer for MySQL databases |
Cmysql_connection_t | |
CNode | Node Class |
COdbcDirectPointRecord | |
▼COdbcPointRecord | A persistence class for SCADA databases |
COdbcConnection | |
COdbcQuery | |
COdbcSqlHandle | |
COdbcTableDescription | |
CScadaQuery | |
CScadaRecord | |
COdbcPreparedPointRecord | |
COffsetTimeSeries | |
COutlierExclusionTimeSeries | |
CPipe | Pipe Class |
CPoint | A Point Class to store data tuples (date, value, quality, confidence) |
CPointRecord | A Point Record Class for storing and retrieving Points |
CPointRecordTime | |
CPump | |
CPythonInterpreter | A singleton python interpreter supporting the EPANET-RTX library |
CResampler | |
CReservoir | |
CRtxException | |
CRtxIoException | |
CRtxMethodNotValid | |
CRunTimeStatusModularTimeSeries | |
CSineTimeSeries | |
CSinglePointFilterModularTimeSeries | |
CSqlitePointRecord | |
CStatsTimeSeries | A modular timeseries class for delivering statistical information |
CTank | |
CTempoDbPointRecord | |
CThresholdTimeSeries | A Status Class to map the input time series into binary status based on a threshold |
CTimeGapTimeSeries | A Class to map the input time series into a series whos values are the time gaps between successive points |
CTimeOffsetTimeSeries | |
▼CTimeSeries | An abstraction of Points ordered in time |
▼CStatistics | A summary of a collection of points |
Cquartiles_t | |
CTsdbPointRecord | |
CUnits | Keep track of dimensions and units of measure |
CValidRangeTimeSeries | |
CValve | |
CWarpingTimeSeries |