Defines locations of water quality sources.
One line for each water quality source containing:
- Node ID label
- Baseline source strength
- Time pattern ID (optional)
- For MASS type sources, strength is measured in mass flow per minute. All other types measure source strength in concentration units.
- Source strength can be made to vary over time by specifying a time pattern.
- A CONCEN source:
- represents the concentration of any external source inflow to the node
- applies only when the node has a net negative demand (water enters the network at the node)
- if the node is a junction, reported concentration is the result of mixing the source flow and inflow from the rest of the network
- if the node is a reservoir, the reported concentration is the source concentration
- if the node is a tank, the reported concentration is the internal concentration of the tank
- is best used for nodes that represent source water supplies or treatment works (e.g., reservoirs or nodes assigned a negative demand)
- do not use at storage tanks with simultaneous inflow/outflow.
- represents a booster source, where the substance is injected directly into the network regardless of what the demand at the node is
- affects water leaving the node to the rest of the network in the following way:
- a MASS booster adds a fixed mass flow to that resulting from inflow to the node
- a FLOWPACED booster adds a fixed concentration to the resultant inflow concentration at the node
- a SETPOINT booster fixes the concentration of any flow leaving the node (as long as the concentration resulting from the inflows is below the setpoint)
- the reported concentration at a junction or reservoir booster source is the concentration that results after the boosting is applied; the reported concentration for a tank with a booster source is the internal concentration of the tank
- is best used to model direct injection of a tracer or disinfectant into the network or to model a contaminant intrusion.
- A [SOURCES] section is not needed for simulating water age or source tracing.
;Node Type Strength Pattern
N1 CONCEN 1.2 Pat1 ;Concentration varies with time
N44 MASS 12 ;Constant mass injection