OWA-EPANET Toolkit  2.2
Report File

The Report file is the second file name supplied to the EN_open function (or the first file name to EN_init). It is used to log any error messages that occur when an Input file is being processed and to record all status messages that are generated during a hydraulic simulation. In addition, if the EN_report function is called the resulting report can also be written to this file as can user-generated lines of text using the EN_writeline function. The format of the report is controlled by statements placed in the [REPORT] section of the Input file and by similar statements included in calls to the EN_setreport function. Only results at a specified uniform reporting time interval are written to this file.

To suppress the writing of all error and warning messages to the Report file either include the command MESSAGES NO in the [REPORT] section of the Input file or call the Toolkit function EN_setreport("MESSAGES NO").

To route a formatted report to a different file than the Report file either include the command FILE filename in the [REPORT] section of the Input file or call the Toolkit function EN_setreport("FILE filename"), where filename is the name of the file to use.

Toolkit clients will not be able to access the contents of a Report file until a project is closed. If access is needed before then, the EN_copyreport function can be used to copy its current contents to another file. A EN_clearreport function is also available to clear the current contents of the Report file.