OWA-EPANET Toolkit  2.2
Output File

The Output file is an unformatted binary file used to store both hydraulic and water quality results at uniform reporting intervals. It is the third file name supplied to the EN_open function (or second name to EN_init). If an empty string ("") is used as its name then a scratch temporary file will be used. Otherwise the Output file will be saved after the EN_close function is called. Saving this file is useful if further post-processing of the output results are needed.

The function EN_saveH will transfer hydraulic results to the Output file if no water quality analysis will be made. Using EN_solveQ to run a water quality analysis automatically saves both hydraulic and water quality results to this file. If the EN_initQ - EN_runQ - EN_nextQ set of functions is used to perform a water quality analysis, then results will be saved only if the saveflag argument of EN_initQ is set to EN_SAVE. Again, the need to save results to the Output file is application-dependent. If a formatted output report is to be generated using EN_report, then results must first be saved to the Output file.

The data written to the file is either 4-byte integers, 4-byte floats, or fixed-size strings whose size is a multiple of 4 bytes. This allows the file to be divided conveniently into 4-byte records. The file consists of four sections of the following sizes in bytes:

Section Size in Bytes
Prolog 884 + 36*Nnodes + 52*Nlinks + 8*Ntanks
Energy Usage 28*Npumps + 4
Dynamic Results (16*Nnodes + 32*Nlinks)*Nperiods
Epilog 28


  • Nnodes = number of nodes (junctions + reservoirs + tanks),
  • Nlinks = number of links (pipes + pumps + valves),
  • Ntanks = number of tanks and reservoirs,
  • Npumps = number of pumps,
  • Nperiods = number of reporting periods.

All of these counts are themselves written to the file's Prolog or Epilog sections.

Prolog Section

The Prolog section of an EPANET binary output file contains the following data:

Item Type # Bytes
Magic Number = 516114521 Integer 4
Version (= 200) Integer 4
Number of Nodes Integer 4
Number of Reservoirs & Tanks Integer 4
Number of Links Integer 4
Number of Pumps Integer 4
Number of Valves Integer 4
Water Quality Option - see EN_QualityType Integer 4
Traced Node Index Integer 4
Flow Units Option Integer 4
Pressure Units Option:
0 = psi
1 = meters
2 = kPa
Integer 4
Report Statistic Type - see EN_StatisticType Integer 4
Reporting Start Time (sec) Integer 4
Reporting Time Step (sec) Integer 4
Simulation Duration (sec) Integer 4
Project Title (1st line) Char 80
Project Title (2nd line) Char 80
Project Title (3rd line) Char 80
Name of Input File Char 260
Name of Report File Char 260
Name of Quality Chemical Char 32
Chemical Concentration Units Char 32
ID String of Each Node Char 32*Nnodes
ID String of Each Link Char 32*Nlinks
Index of Head Node of Each Link Integer 4*Nlinks
Index of Tail Node of Each Link Integer 4*Nlinks
Type Code of Each Link (see EN_LinkType) Integer 4*Nlinks
Node Index of Each Tank Integer 4*Ntanks
Surface Area of Each Tank Float 4*Ntanks
Elevation of Each Node Float 4*Nnodes
Length of Each Link Float 4*Nlinks
Diameter of Each Link Float 4*Nlinks

Energy Usage Section

The Energy Usage section of an EPANET binary output file contains the following data:

Item (Repeated for Each Pump) Type # Bytes
Pump Index in list of links Integer 4
Pump Utilization (%) Float 4
Average Efficiency (%) Float 4
Average kW/MGal (or kW/m^3) Float 4
Average kW Float 4
Peak kW Float 4
Average Cost per Day Float 4

These data are followed by a single 4-byte Float containing the overall Demand Charge for peak energy usage.

Dynamic Results Section

The Dynamic Results section of an EPANET binary output file contains the following set of data for each reporting period (the reporting time step is written to the Output File's Prolog Section and the number of such steps is written to the Epilog Section):

Item Type # Bytes
Demand at Each Node Float 4*Nnodes
Head (Grade) at Each Node Float 4*Nnodes
Pressure at Each Node Float 4*Nnodes
Water Quality at Each Node Float 4*Nnodes
Flow in Each Link
(negative for reverse flow)
Float 4*Nlinks
Velocity in Each Link Float 4*Nlinks
Head Loss per 1000 Units of Length for Each Link
(total head for pumps and head loss for valves)
Float 4*Nlinks
Average Water Quality in Each Link Float 4*Nlinks
Status Code for Each Link:
0 = closed (pump shutoff head exceeded)
1 = temporarily closed
2 = closed
3 = open
4 = active (partially open)
5 = open (pump max. flow exceeded)
6 = open (FCV can't supply flow)
7 = open (PRV/PSV can't supply pressure)
Float 4*Nlinks
Setting for Each Link Float 4*Nlinks
Reaction Rate for Each Link (mass/L/day) Float 4*Nlinks
Friction Factor for Each Link Float 4*Nlinks

Epilog Section

The Epilog section of an EPANET binary output file contains the following data:

Item Type # Bytes
Average bulk reaction rate (mass/hr) Float 4
Average wall reaction rate (mass/hr) Float 4
Average tank reaction rate (mass/hr) Float 4
Average source inflow rate (mass/hr) Float 4
Number of Reporting Periods Integer 4
Warning Flag:
0 = no warnings
1 = warnings were generated
Integer 4
Magic Number = 516114521 Integer 4