OWA-EPANET Toolkit  2.2
Header Files

The Toolkit provides several header files that are needed to develop C/C++ applications:

  • epanet2.h contains declarations of the single-threaded version of the Toolkit (the ENxxx named functions).
  • epanet2_2.h contains declarations of the multi-threaded version of the Toolkit (the EN_xxx named functions).
  • epanet2_enums.h contains definitions of the symbolic constants used by the Toolkit.
  • epanet2.lib must be linked in to any Toolkit application compiled for Windows using MS Visual C++.
    Developers need to issue an include directive for either epanet2.h or epanet2_2.h in their C/C++ code depending on whether they are building a single-threaded or multi-threaded application. There is no need to explicitly include epanet2_enums.h as it is automatically included by both of the other header files.

Several additional function declaration files that provide bindings for other programming languages are included with the Toolkit package:

  • epanet2.bas for Visual Basic for Applications and Visual Basic 6
  • epanet2.vb for Visual Basic .NET
  • epanet2.pas for Delphi Pascal, Free Pascal or Lazarus.

These bindings only support the single-threaded version of the Toolkit.